Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Our Children's Education

When it comes to our children’s education we can never be too careful. We want what’s best for them, but what is best?

I have always believed that children need to interact with other people and children. At public schools, our children are exposed to different cultures, beliefs, and just other people other than their parents and siblings at home. For this reason I have personally ruled out home schooling. As much as I would love to keep my child close to me at all times and have him learn what I teach him, I know that’s merely impossible and maybe even partly unhealthy for his social and personal development.

Every teachers brings something to the table and teaches our children something different in different ways. This helps our children develop the way they learn best. Some children are more visual while others are more hands on.

So, ruling out home schooling, what is best?

I realize trying to answer what is best for children’s education is a little vague because there is no wrong or right answer. Ask every parent and every parent will have a different opinion.

I don’t believe there is much difference between private and public schools. I have met some brilliant kids from both. Ultimately, education starts at home. If you teach your children to finish what they start, to do chores and then play time, be responsible, go to bed early, be on time, and begin reading to them from a small age, I believe children pick up on these habits. These habits will begin to reflect through their study habits once they’re in school regardless if they attend public or private school.

Bullying is another issue to raise concern which may make some parents to better opt for home schooling. It is a very scary thought of my son being emotionally and/or physically harmed or he being the bully! I was bullied at a very young age. However, my mother was always very communicative with me and my sister and encouraged us to do the same, so I did. Any time I had a problem, I always told my mom and she always knew how to handle the problem. She also taught me that problems cannot be avoided. Problems need to be properly approached and handled. There will be bullies in the real world too and there is no avoiding it so there is no use in keeping our children safe at home. It sounds pretty ideal, trust me, but ultimately we would be doing our children more harm than good.

It’s up to the parents’ judgment whether private or public school is best but my advice is to save those extra bucks for their pricey college tuition someday. The best education we can give our children is to allow them to explore, interact, and grow around other people and children.  

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Realistic New Years Resolutions

Every year do you ever notice the same trend around New Years? We promise ourselves the same things over and over again, year after year. 
"I will go to the gym 5 times a week, every week." 

"I will diet." 

"I will save more money." 

"I will be more positive." 

Etc., etc., etc... 

We focus too much on how bad the year treated us every year. I see posts all day on New Years Eve of all the things that went wrong during the year and how the following year will be better. 

Well, if you're reading this that means you didn't die in 2013, so that's a good thing, right? 

Sit down and reflect not only on what you disliked about the year, but give yourself some credit and also reflect on all the good things that happened. Focus on how to enhance those things for the following year. If there is something you absolutely don't like about yourself, then, yes, make it a goal to fix it but don't emphasize your whole resolution on that one thing. We start the year out wrong because we're already so focused on the bad things we did or happened last year. 

"New year, new me" seems inadequate. New year, better me. It can only be better if you enhance yourself, not try to actually change yourself to a "new you."  You are who you are. Live it, learn from it, and love yourself. 
My New Years resolutions are based on my good and bad experiences in 2013; 

1. Stay close with my family. 2013 wasn't an easy one but it brought me that much closer to my mom and my sister. I rekindled friendships from my hometown. I leaned a lot on family and friends that had gone through some of the same things I went through this year. I pray to be able to nurture and maintain these friendships and my bond with my family. 

2. Be understanding. I had a baby this year! It really is making me take a walk in my mom's shoes. I understand and appreciate the hard work and sacrifices she has done to bring up two daughters on her own as a mother myself now. My sister is also going through her "I want to be independent and on my own" phase which I was just there in 2012. I try to give her understanding as well. I try to be more reflective of such things I used to fight about with my mom and sister. I have become more understanding as a friend. When I was in high school, my friend Courtney went through a lot our senior year and I didn't understand why she reacted the way that she had.. but been pregnant this year myself and having my own son, has given me a completely different perspective. Life definitely gave me a walk in her shoes and it's not easy. 

3. Take life by the horns. I made a very big decision this year. I moved cross country to a city I barely know. If you want something, chase it and fight for it. Don't run away from your problems either though. Hit them head on. Don't be scared of them. I felt a lot of fear this year that I never want to feel again. 

4. Work hard. If you're broke, work hard. If you're fat, work hard. If you're wealthy, work harder. If you're fit, work harder. Life gives you what you work for. 

5. If you want something, chase it. Have the guts to do what you desire. Take risks. If you want a better job, go get it. If you want to finish school, you better jump on that band wagon quick. It's definitely my goal to finally finish my undergrad degree this year. 

6. Chase WHAT you want, not WHO you want. Don't chase people. The people that are meant to be in your life, will be. Keep the people that love you and bring out the best in you. Cut off the ones that make you miserable, insecure, or scared. You're amazing. 

7. Love yourself before anyone else. It'll be easy to love the rest when you learn to do love you. This year sent me on a downward spiral of hating myself, letting myself go. It made me an angry, unhappy person. Fight for yourself because no one else will. Get up in the mornings, do yoga, fix your hair, drink tea, learn something new, spend time with your loved ones. Get going! 

8. Keep social networking to a minimum. This is probably my biggest resolution for 2014. I want to focus more on my son, my mother, my sister, and my good friends. I want to focus on making them happy and spending quality time with them rather than hiding behind a screen interacting with people that I don't know all that well. It also really hurt me this year to go looking for things I don't really want to know about. 

9. Get breast implants. Okay, this one is probably a vain resolution but I just had a baby and I've been wanting implants since I went into puberty, okay! I deserve them and this will be the year. 

10. Save a little money for a rainy day. Be realistic with this resolution. A dollar a day, keeps the creditors away. (I'm so witty! I swear I totally just made that up.) 

11. Be a mom. A good mom. Save the best for last! This is my goal not just on this day, but everyday! I pray to live long enough to embrace all of Liam's milestones and love him like I've never loved anyone else. 

Ultimately, I just pray for happiness, health, and wealth for my son, my mom, my sister, my friends, and myself. Thank you to everyone that walked with me down the ups and downs of 2013. It was a very blessed year. Good luck to you with all your goals and resolutions and may you and your loved ones have a beautiful, blessed new year! Happy 2014! 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Intimidation? Define it, please.

Phew! About time I blog! It's exactly what I am in need of after this long and stressful semester.

So, another year goes by huh? This year, however, has been extremely overwhelming. I don't believe I have ever grown so much as a person as I have now. Let's recap.

I know my blog's main focus is relationship talk. Or is it?
I was reading through previous posts of mine and I like to think that I focus more on self- worth and learning to love one's self, above all.

I have gone in a downward spiral of insecurities and lack of self respect at one point in my life, however, I am thankful for everything that has ocurred to me in 2011 because I don't think I have ever loved myself as much as I do at this point in my life. The beauty of loving myself, is that I am able to give all of me to the people that surround me, the people that truly matter to me the most and fill my life with so much love, peace, joy, and support.

With the hardships from 2011, I am able to look at 2012 straight in the face and ask for it to go grab some coffee and take a stroll in the park with me.

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Did you think bullying only occurred in elementary school to the nerdy looking kids?

Think again. I am 20 years old and a Junior in college and I hadn't felt so bullied in my life since the 4th grade! Goodness! It blows my mind how people can make you doubt in your own self and break you down to the ground. Or so I thought, because not a single person in the face of this planet can make you feel anything less than amazing, unless you allow them to.

intimidation - the feeling of being intimidated; being made to feel afraid or timid

I also read another definition that said it was the feeling of fear and/or inferior. Less in status, wealth, or knowledge.

Intimidation, shintimidation.....

I think the word should just be vanished from the English language. There will always be someone prettier, smarter, skinnier, faster, and so on. What is the point in being disturbed by it? You are your own biggest competition and that is who you should be concerned about.

This past year, I have been broken down to the ground but as I slowly build myself back up, I carry the broken pieces of my heart on my sleeve. I do not let anybody make me feel less than anybody else. Everyone carries their own beauty, talents, and qualities and we need to learn to cherish those qualities in ourselves and everything that makes us, us. The most amazing thing about rebuilding myself is that I can re- create myself. I build myself stronger day by day, I love myself a little more every day, I feed myself more knowledge and always remind myself about the pretty rainbow that shines after the storm.

After all, why should anyone make you feel intimidated?? Who are they?
Definitely no god. What do they know?
What does anyone really know? What power does anyone really have?

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." - Socrates

Yours always fabulous,

Lizethe :)